Friday, May 7, 2021

AIP Creamy Coconut Yogurt (Instant Pot)

AIP Creamy Coconut Yogurt (Instant Pot)

2 33.8 ounce contatiner full-fat coconut cream (without gums/thickeners)
1 25.36 ounce container full-fat coconut milk (without gums/thickeners)
2 tablespoons maple syrup
1/4 cup tapioca flour
1 5 ounce container coconut yogurt with active cultures

1. Add coconut cream and milk to inner pot of Instant Pot reserving 1 1/2 cups to set aside for later. Stir in the maple syrup. Turn Instant Pot to "Sautee". Stir occasionally as it heats up.
2. As the liquid heats, add the 1/4 cup tapioca flour to the 1 1/2 cup of reserved liquid. Using a hand blender, thoroughly combine until all the flour is completely incorporated. Set aside.
3. When the temperature of the liquid in the Instant Pot reaches between 180-200 degrees, remove the inner pot and place on a cooling rack. (If in a hurry, carefully place the inner pot in a cold water ice bath in the sink.)
4. Add the reserved flour mixture to the inner pot. Thoroughly combine using the hand blender.
5. Allow mixture to cool to at least 110 degrees (be sure to allow to reach 110 so that the live cultures will not be killed when added). 
6. Remove 1 1/2 cups of the liquid, add the container of coconut yogurt to the 1 1/2 cups and stir thoroughly (do not use hand blender to avoid killing the cultures). Thoroughly combine.
7. Add the yogurt mixture back to the inner pot and thoroughly combine.
8. Return the inner pot to the Instant Pot. Place the lid on the pot and lock it, adjust to sealing. Press the "Yogurt" function and adjust the time to 9 hours.  (Yogurt can be cooked from 8-10 hours.) When complete, the display will read "Yogt."
9. Transfer the yogurt to the desired storage containers. Place in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours to allow to thicken.

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